Perhaps most important, putting women on audit committees seems to assuage shareholders who, in the post-Enron environment, are clamoring for impartial, probing eyes to review corporate behavior.
He blames the post-Enron environment.
Sheepish perhaps in the post-Enron environment, Mr. Snow said he would forgo pay and benefits worth $15 million.
The Royal Ahold accounting scandal may reflect the new vigor of auditors in the post-Enron environment.
Assuming Indian Point is closed, how can 2,000 megawatts of power be replaced, especially in a post-Enron environment when financiers and the public are suspicious of energy company projects?
David A. Cox, president and chief executive of MedUnite, said the write-downs were "purely an accounting issue in the post-Enron environment."
Nobody, in the post-Enron environment, wants to have any questions asked about their financial statements.
In the post-Enron environment, regulators are pressing companies to comply scrupulously with laws requiring them to be forthcoming with investors about significant business developments.
Mr. Berger is to be the moderator of a panel discussion tonight on creativity in the post-Enron environment at the One Club in Manhattan.
But investors, particularly in this post-Enron environment, are wary.