In the United States, especially in the post-Enron era there has been substantial concern about the accuracy of financial statements.
This is all the result of the post-Enron era, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and new stock exchange rules.
Demands on directors have intensified in the post-Enron era, and a new risk-reward calculus has emerged, specialists in corporate governance say.
Many shareholders appear to believe that in the post-Enron era, criticism of companies is warranted, especially on executive pay practices and overly compliant boards.
In this post-Enron era, shareholders deserve a more straightforward answer.
"Chainsaw Al," as he was known to friends and former colleagues for his apparent fondness for downsizing, hasn't been heard from much in the post-Enron era.
"They are at the edge in some respects in terms of new accounting issues in the post-Enron era."
You have to wonder, in this post-Enron era, why the beauty industry seems particularly dedicated to giving back.
In the post-Enron era, as many corporate perks are prompting questions, many companies have been asked to justify these costly exams, which generally start at $2,000 each.
Even in the post-Enron era, some executives still think nothing of misleading investors, analysts and their customers.