His main research areas are Ludwig Wittgenstein and post-Kantian philosophy.
Its content at this period has been described as "popularizations of post-Kantian philosophy, esoteric mystical commentary, literary effusions, and idealistic calls for child-centered education and communitarian socialism".
He shaped post-Kantian philosophy and advances in science throughout the late 19th century.
Speculative realism is a movement in contemporary philosophy which defines itself loosely in its stance of metaphysical realism against the dominant forms of post-Kantian philosophy or what it terms correlationism.
A series of lectures on post-Kantian philosophy, which Delbos viewed as shaped by contingent psychological and social factors rather than through the unfolding of some internal logic, were published posthumously and later (1942) collected in a single volume.
Auxier's areas of specialization are American philosophy, post-Kantian continental philosophy, process and systematic philosophy/theology, history of philosophy, metaphysics, moral phisosophy, and theology, political theory, and philosophy of education.
Jaspers held Kierkegaard and Nietzsche to be two of the most important figures in post-Kantian philosophy.
In this book, Meillassoux argues that post-Kantian philosophy is dominated by what he calls "correlationism," the often unstated theory that humans cannot exist without the world nor the world without humans.
A great deal of post-Kantian philosophy abandoned such debates and redirected its focus toward specific concerns that arise from within the Critiques, such as the foundations of mathematics or the possibility of an intellectual intuition.
Additionally, his day job in research involves translating a book of "post-Kantian philosophy" in Cologne, Germany (where he resides when he's not in trendy Brooklyn), and he's currently studying for his Ph.D.