In the post-Watergate era, perhaps influenced by the event, The Hoya began to run investigative journalism pieces.
He said he hoped the film would capture the post-Watergate era among journalists in Washington.
The spirit of the post-Watergate era, when issues of ethics were central to the nation's political debate, has seemed to fade along with their memory.
Or can anyone survive the close scrutiny of the post-Watergate era?
The independent-counsel law was a creation of the post-Watergate era.
In the post-Watergate, post-Milken era we've become so accustomed to corruption in high places that we're apt to long nostalgically for a supposedly purer day.
She notes that this happened during the post-Watergate era, when American citizens were inclined to distrust official accounts.
In the post-Watergate era, we don't have those expectations.
In the post-Watergate era, a zeal for exposing corruption and hypocrisy of all kinds fuelled franker coverage of politicians' sexual escapades.
Sibrel came of age in the post-Watergate era.