These are commonly referred to as post-baccalaureate programs.
"We have an 87 percent placement success in medical schools," Barbara Berkowitz, director of Goucher's post-baccalaureate premedical program, said recently.
She graduated from Yale and completed a post-baccalaureate program at Loyola University in Chicago.
SCS also offers certificates in post-baccalaureate programs.
The college offers a post-baccalaureate program leading to the degree, Doctor of Optometry (O.D).
Before 1986 there were only 10 post-baccalaureate programs in the United States, according to Christine Yash.
But Ms. Joerling said she has already begun to see a change in the type of student who enrolls in Columbia's post-baccalaureate program.
The Graduate School houses the university's post-baccalaureate programs, ranging from master's degrees to doctorates.
In 1960, the corporation was authorized to conduct a post-baccalaureate program as the forerunner of the Alliance Theological Seminary.
The bride, 24, is a student in the post-baccalaureate premed program at Columbia University.