The November general election in Texas will be watched closely as the first statewide races in the post-Bush era.
Will he cast himself as the savior of the post-Bush era, or will the first Gore in the Oval Office be Karenna, mother of Oscar?
Liberal legislative caucus envisions post-Bush era (San Francisco Chronicle)
As such, it loomed as a potentially important moment in the party's efforts to decide how to compete against the Democrats in 2008 and what it should stand for in a post-Bush era.
And yet the crisis in Iran has flushed out all the pathologies of American foreign-policy thinking, or feeling, in the post-Bush era.
With the Republican brand corroded and the hunt on for the next Ronald Reagan, Mrs Palin could be one of many people competing to influence Republican ideas in the post-Bush era.
"I don't perceive myself as being a threat to anyone," Mr. Sanchez said, summing up precisely what could make him such a threat to the Republican hold on this state in the post-Bush era.
There's the legacy of President Bush and America's foreign policy in the post-Bush era.
The struggle among conservatives to define their movement in the post-Bush era may be getting more attention these days, but liberal intellectuals and writers are doing some soul-searching of their own.
Especially lately, because in the post-Bush era of conservative retrenchment, there has often been more sloganeering than substance in the way the Gipper's would-be heirs remember him.