He held post-doctoral positions at Leiden University in the Netherlands and the University of Minnesota.
Rather than move onto a post-doctoral position, following completion of his Ph.D.
After a series of post-doctoral and senior positions in Europe, he moved to the University of Helsinki and to his present institute in 2009.
Van Slyke took up a post-doctoral position at the Rockefeller Institute in 1907, under Phoebus Levene.
This was followed by a post-doctoral position at the University of Auckland working on the pharmacological and cognitive effects of the cholinergic agonist nicotine.
Most of the department's graduates from the classes of 2004 to 2007 had placements in the faculties of research universities and post-doctoral positions.
Many of the students have gone on to post-graduate or post-doctoral positions with a Foundation scholar.
After completing his doctoral work, Cooper held a brief post-doctoral position as a geneticist at University College London.
Hesse joined Robert Koch's laboratory (effectively in a post-doctoral position) in 1881 to study air quality.
His first post-doctoral position was as a biology instructor at John Carroll University in Cleveland, Ohio where he taught from 1939 to 1941.