Mothers are also offered prenatal and post-natal care, part-time pediatric services and a professionally staffed preschool.
Prophylaxis needs antenatal, natal, and post-natal care.
The videos cover a variety of health issues, such as breastfeeding, malnutrition, post-natal and newborn care, and more.
At the time, the hospital charged a standard fee of £3 3s for 'confinement' and fourteen days of post-natal care.
Medical classes also provided women with information on sexual health and pre and post-natal care.
Certain things must be kept in mind as the physician proceeds with the post-natal care.
The rest of the housemates acted as the maternity ward crew delivering the baby from in-labor to post-natal care.
In addition, we sponsor a free medical clinic that provides pre- and post-natal care.
The main aspects of Maternal Health are Prenatal care, post-natal care, family planning and preconception.
Dr Waldegrave to post-natal care, quickly.