He can play three outfield positions, has solid power, good speed, a decent arm and post-season experience.
But Hill also has valuable post-season experience from last season, when he pitched for the Indians.
There is a splendid rotation, a deep bullpen, a reliable defense up the middle, a soothing manager and vast post-season experience.
He will be more than an inspirational sidebar to the Yankees' post-season experience this time, which, in itself, is also an inspirational story.
But the Panthers are hardly lacking in post-season experience or players who have proved themselves.
But Thomas doesn't see that recent post-season experience as any sort of security blanket.
The team, however, made the playoffs for the first time since 1999, which would be Francis' only post-season experience.
The playoffs begin in two weeks, and Barnaby is an important part of a team with little post-season experience.
Jim Poole, a left-handed relief pitcher, has post-season experience, too.
But Wallace has virtually no post-season experience and was a defensive liability in Game 6.