He does not hold any formal post-secondary degrees, but is active in research and numerous writing projects.
Current residents are predominantly employed in the professional fields, most with vocational or post-secondary educational degrees.
About half of the people in the first group have a post-secondary degree, whereas among immigrant Azeris only 25% do.
A large majority of Japanese Americans obtain post-secondary degrees.
Christian Brothers awarded the first post-secondary degree in the city in 1875.
It is the lowest in the hierarchy of post-secondary academic degrees offered in these countries.
It also houses a skilled labor force, with 64% of workers aged 25-64 holds a post-secondary degree or equivalent.
In Italy, the laurea is the main post-secondary academic degree.
In Canada, 45 percent of readers and writers of blogs hold post-secondary degrees.
Rivera earned all of his post-secondary degrees while he was working as a high school teacher.