Ukraine, which often boasts of being the first post-Soviet society to freely elect a President, looks poised to re-elect one.
The novel follows the life of a writer, Viktor Alekseyevich Zolotaryov, in a struggling post-Soviet society.
With a population of around 45,500, Kapan is struggling to cope with the realities of post-Karabakh war and post-Soviet society.
In contrast to your article's gloomy take on post-Soviet society, I find plenty of reasons to take an optimistic view of Russia's future.
The beer bill also appears to be part of a wider attempt by lawmakers to legislate social morality and curb the excesses of the freewheeling post-Soviet society.
A new phenomenon in post-Soviet society, such women represent less than 1 percent of the population.
Mexico today suffers from double the usual Latin American fatalism, as it is also, in a way, a post-Soviet society.
The Russian Orthodox Church has been struggling to re-establish its moral voice in post-Soviet society while maintaining church unity.
A moral, political and psychological investigation, by a wise journalist, of four post-Soviet societies struggling with their conduct under the old regimes.
As he demonstrates in numerous publications on Putin's regime, the significant role of private property in post-Soviet authoritarian society makes Russia's transformation into a totalitarian regime impossible.