This was in line with the Soviet post-war policy regarding various relocated industrial operations.
The outcome was that the coalition government issued a series of White Papers on post-war policy, but put through very little legislation.
The second was the rhythm of the war itself, which gave time for the detailed discussion of post-war policy.
He is recognized as having a significant influence on post-war Polish cultural policy.
He is recognized as having a significant influence on post-war Polish cultural policy and being a major literary figure.
Once the frivolities had ended, minds turned to post-war policy, and particularly how soldiers returning from Europe would be reintegrated into society.
The post-war foreign policy of Norway can be described along four dimensions:
During the same period, many of those universities established post-war vigorously pursued policies of growth and innovation.
Thus the Labour government's nationalisation programme was intended also to facilitate post-war regional policy.
THE inter-agency group charged with developing a post-war American foreign policy has an almost impossible job.