Electronic payment is safe and secure and avoids postal costs and delays.
Increases in postal and paper costs have made the two magazines "only marginally profitable" Bob Guccione, chairman and chief executive, said Saturday.
Mr. Bailar was especially concerned with the quality of mail service and postal costs.
The savings in postal costs can also be substantial, especially for newspapers like The Journal, which mails about 850,000 papers (its circulation is two million).
We have been looking at the whole cost structure, given such problems as rising postal costs.
From the time of its first issue (September 1877), Musical Opinion appeared monthly; but in the 1990s increasing production and postal costs threatened the magazine's survival.
It also gives you better control over your money and avoids postal costs and delays.
The model also demonstrates that both volume and population are important explanatory factors of postal costs.
Faced with rising postal costs, catalogue houses and other direct mailers are on the lookout for alternatives to Postal Service delivery.
"I think it has more to do with the economy, and the increase in postal costs."