This was brought to a head when the paper was about to publish a poster of an insert contained in the Dead Kennedys' album Frankenchrist.
The posters contained the major elements of student grievances and demands Which were to reappear in 1989.
The poster is grayscale and contains text and illustrations.
The poster contains 20,000 words spoken by Obama during the campaign that are arranged in a way that create a portrait of Obama.
Each poster contains graphics by Thomas W. Benton on one side, "screed" by Thompson on the other.
The poster contained tribute cartoons by 22 of Groening's cartoonist friends who were influenced by Life in Hell.
A free poster also contained the silhouette image on one side with all other album covers portrayed on the flip.
His posters, some images, his promotional decks of playing cards, DVDs and other items often contain hidden messages; some are written in cipher or code.
Disciplinary action was taken only after the official reviewing the complaint found that the poster also contained an anti-homosexual slur.
The posters, for which Christ's Bride Ministries Inc. had contracted and paid, contained the message: "Women who choose abortion suffer more & deadlier breast cancer."