Technological Advances The cable industry's aggressive posture reflects technological advances that make it possible to expand significantly the information-carrying capacity of their networks.
The company's new posture, many say, reflects a campaign to recast its battered image.
Or perhaps the giant's posture reflects the alert attentiveness of someone who is deaf or blind or both.
Others say Mr. Reagan's posture of disengagement reflects his stern determination to avoid playing favorites.
Saudi Arabia's more pronounced public posture to counter Iran's rise also reflects realities that, while not new, have been underscored by the crises in the region.
Their postures reflect one another - one wing pointing upwards, the other downwards, mirroring each other they represent the duality of the universe.
Or perhaps the administration's Janus-like posture reflected a more strategic calculation that its interests were best served by looking in both directions at once.
That posture reflects an obvious assessment shared by both candidates of the political terrain this year: that voters do not like negative attacks.
Dubliners felt that the lady's scornful and hardly disinterested posture perfectly reflected the attitudes of their overlords.
Contempt for the laws of our allies is a major factor in our increasing isolation in the world; our present posture in Iraq reflects that reality.