They were among the many structures around the country born of experimentation fueled by postwar prosperity.
He's a military hero, she's (literally) the girl next door, and a paradise of postwar prosperity seems to stretch before them.
And their art began to reflect their feelings about the spiritual emptiness of postwar prosperity.
Talk to Germans about it, and they say it is the reason for, or a symbol of, the postwar prosperity.
But the postwar prosperity of farming ended with the 1970s.
By doing so, we gained allies in the cold war and trading partners who fueled our postwar prosperity with purchases of American products.
Then, postwar prosperity took hold and the Democrats' embrace of civil rights broke up the solid South.
Although its postwar prosperity is fading, dance continues to hold a prominent position in the country's civic life.
It reflected postwar prosperity, a belief in the limitlessness of natural resources.
The new postwar prosperity had provided intellectuals with wonderful career opportunities in publishing and in academic life.