An additional five Star Wars-themed potato heads were sold exclusively through Disney theme parks: "Luke Frywalker," "Yam Solo," "Spuda Fett," "Princess Tater," and "Darth Mash."
Joe Geester he was the one on the right lifted a lumpy potato head with a cranky sour face drawn on the front of it and creakily said, "Girl reporter."
Mr. Vallone, now the City Council Speaker, is "a nice guy but a hack politician"; Mr. Pataki is, simply, "a potato head."
The series was primarily based around Elton's stand-up comedy routines, with his monologues interspersed with occasional filmed sketches and parodies, as well as soundbites from chinface "potato heads".
You would have an idea of what they are like, Mr. Barkin said, if you could imagine that "the Peanuts characters were wearing potato heads and didn't speak."
"He has been described as a potato head," Mr. Smith said, referring to the Governor's round face and short-cropped hair.
Even today, we deride it, as in the phrases couch potato or potato head.
That doesn't mean he looks like a real President: during the past twenty years, we've had a potato head, a jug ears, and a manorexic in the Oval Office.
They said it'd be a real potato head.
Use your skull, potato head!