I can see a lot of discussions related to potato seeds so hope ...
The potato plant matures giving white or purple flowers, and produces a fruit that yields potato seeds.
Dr. Zandstra said seed companies hesitated to develop virus-resistant potato seeds because the harm done by viruses forced farmers to buy new seeds.
Egyptian farmers apparently don't feel right about planting the very small potato seed, nor do they have the required equipment.
Krakauer now hypothesizes that the bag in which Chris kept the potato seeds was damp and the seeds thus became moldy.
Heavy demand for potato seed in the first three post-war years, encouraged an increase in production.
Its main agricultural products are paddy, potato, jute, sugarcane, sesame, linseed, wheat, mustard seed and pulse.
In Bolivia a few years ago, protesting workers at a gene bank ate the national collection of potato seeds.
He turns the earth with a spade and she plants the potato seed.
July 31: Algeria is the largest importer of potato seeds in North Africa.