Even if all went well, he and Saphira were about to make potent enemies.
The Unseen Killer was too potent an enemy to bait for a third time.
A potent, lethal enemy, more skilled than any he knew, regardless of the gender.
No doubt the Wise One had enemies so potent that it was unsafe to let her true name be known.
For now he stands a hostage, in a haze of exhaust produced by the railroad's most potent enemy, the automobile.
We also need to deal with a very potent and destructive enemy - ourselves.
They did this by turning their most potent enemy - New York television - into a tool.
But his business made him some potent enemies as well.
One guards against a potent enemy, you see, yet is able to ignore the harmless and impotent.
That used to be God, but is increasingly replaced by a more potent enemy of individualism: the state.