A defensive wall is a fortification used to defend a city from potential aggressors.
Its military significance would certainly have been noticed by both defenders and potential aggressors.
Large numbers of armed civilians would increase the cost of an invasion to a potential aggressor.
Traditionally, arms control has sought to maintain peace by balancing forces so that a potential aggressor would not be tempted.
And it has deterred any potential aggressor for the last three decades.
A defensive wall is a fortification used to protect a city or settlement from potential aggressors.
Third, a failure to intervene has given a signal to other potential aggressors.
But potential aggressors should be clear about American resolve.
Russia seemed to want to remind potential aggressors, including the Chinese, that it still had 6,200 strategic nuclear warheads.
A potential aggressor would be deterred for fear of certain defeat, along with punishment and an end to his dynasty.