Allergic reactions can develop to tetrazepam and it is considered to be a potential allergen.
However, recommendations such as these have been called into question by research that suggests early exposure to potential allergens does not increase the likelihood of allergies.
The patch test consists in applying small quantities of potential allergens to small patches and which are then placed on the skin.
On the first visit, small patches of potential allergens are applied to the skin.
The circumstances have to be just right for a potential allergen to trigger an allergic reaction.
You may be asked to keep track of potential allergens and your allergic reactions for a week to help in diagnosis.
Natural ingredients that might be potential allergens for some pets include eucalyptus, lemon or orange extracts and tea tree oil.
That leaves baby's skin vulnerable, so it reacts to any potential allergen - triggering a reaction like eczema.
Soaps that contain moisturizers or potential allergens should be avoided as these can cause irritation of the eye.
A few proteins and at least one secondary metabolite have been identified as potential allergens.