Or could it be you fear the potential backlash of one Lady Scruples?
So most Republicans were cautious in expressing concern about potential political backlash.
Everything is distorted through the prism of this unbearable tension, and I have to be careful about potential backlash.
This allowed the group to criticize without responsibility, and kept them away from any potential backlash.
But such a potential backlash is far from the only difficulty the Dukakis campaign faces.
In the 1990's Shell analysts were scenario-planning a potential backlash against global companies, long before the antiglobalization movement took off.
Rather than foist particular works on employees and invite potential backlash, some companies give workers a choice.
In the end, it is mostly because the big-name console makers are afraid of the potential backlash.
It means officials are willing to accept the potential public backlash from complications of the vaccine.
But state officials, attuned to potential backlash, have been slow to respond.