Bhutan, situated between India and Chinese-occupied Tibet, is a potential Sino-Indian battleground; India currently has more political influence in the nation.
Pentagon policy makers said the aim is to afford maximum flexibility in sending forces to the Middle East, Central Asia and other potential battlegrounds.
Middle Eastern leaders may be alarmed to learn that the Pentagon sees Iraq, Iran, Syria and Libya as potential nuclear battlegrounds.
America is at war, and after two attacks here, our city remains a potential battleground.
With the stroke of a pen, President Boris N. Yeltsin transformed Suzdal into a potential battleground in Russia's new religious war.
A city of 4.5 million, it is a potential urban battleground where Iraq has its best command and control and most loyal forces.
From 1969 into the 1970s, the 82nd deployed paratroopers to South Korea and Vietnam on more than 180DBT (Days Bad Time) for exercises in potential future battlegrounds.
Right-to-life advocates see a good chance for anti-abortion legislation in South Dakota and Kentucky, while Indiana, Illinois and Ohio are seen as potential battlegrounds.
Eliot's vision of London as a potential savage battleground is confirmed by Spender's memory of a lunchtime conversation in London during 1930: '.
She quickly surveyed the potential battleground.