The potential catalyst that Trisha had found was tiny indeed.
Ideas once greeted as potential catalysts for revolution began to seem banal, irrelevant or simply inadequate to the task of achieving social change.
Can tourism be viewed as a potential catalyst for change?
Instead, he is a potential catalyst for authoritarian forces.
The answer is complicated, and each candidate has offered a laundry list of potential catalysts for change.
Understanding the chemistry behind reactions is the first step; then scientists can use modeling to design potential new catalysts and have them tested in the lab.
The product of potential catalysts (the proteins) and the reactions is ,,, or .
Dam development has been recognized as a potential catalyst for aquaculture in the region.
"Is a Diallo-like event a potential catalyst, not just toward police reform but toward deeper understanding?"
There are many potential catalysts for forgetfulness; in fact, the list is so long that it's a wonder we remember anything at all.