In the north he had the Dutch rebels, England and the French Protestants to contend with, in the south and east the Turks, and potential dissidents everywhere.
The slave trade was largely a by-product of tribal and state warfare as a way of removing potential dissidents after victory or financing future wars.
While the government did screen out many potential dissidents, "on the whole ... delegates to the Loya Jirgah appeared to represent the full range of social, political, and religious opinion."
There were advantages on both sides: Horace gained encouragement and material support, the politicians gained a hold on a potential dissident.
During this period, the New Order government banned plays with "dissident" themes, often picking playwrights and writers deemed potential dissidents up for questioning arbitrarily.
Frequent high-level consultations and joint military exercises, meant to discourage potential dissidents and to protect young "revolutions" in each country, were fairly regular features of Ghana-Burkina relations.
It is a message directed at local officials around the nation, as well as at potential dissidents.
As part of the Provisional Government's policy of removing potential dissidents from France, upon enlistment recruits guaranteed anonymity as a condition of their service and information provided to the legion was accepted on face value.
In the floor debate, Mr. Gingrich appealed to party loyalty and warned potential dissidents not to distance themselves from the party's accomplishments of the last few years.
The project established branches at every level of government, and was carried out in part through increased surveillance of potential dissidents.