The giveaway means less support for expensive news-gathering operations and the potential erosion of advertising revenue from the print side, which is much more profitable.
While the impact of ash on the lake's ecosystem is predicted to be minimal, the impact of potential future erosion is not yet known.
The Embera-Wounaan and Kuna have also expressed concern that the road would bring about the potential erosion of their cultures.
But the drug manufacturers, concerned about the potential erosion of their biggest market, are fighting any change in the law on the ground that the quality and safety of the imported drugs cannot be guaranteed.
But the pharmaceutical industry, concerned about the potential erosion of its biggest market, opposes any relaxation of the import ban.
Evaluate potential erosion at the capping site due to currents, waves, propeller wash, and design a cap component to stabilize the contaminated sediments and other cap components.
But this approach, although of extreme importance in assessing potential erosion is not primarily concerned with the basic physical causes of wave damage.
The so-called tax package, of which the directive on savings taxation is an important element, seeks to address the potential erosion of tax revenues and eliminate harmful tax competition.
People are becoming defensive about the potential erosion of their languages.
Mr Wurtz spoke on the separation of registered offices and headquarters, and the problem of a potential erosion of employee participation.