He possesses two qualities that soothe the potential frictions of a schizophrenic career.
Among other issues fraught with potential frictions are those involving real estate, in particular where Mr. Negroponte and his staff of 500 or so people would set up shop.
But the solidarity could be threatened by potential frictions between the some 500 people who have filed individual lawsuits and the thousands who would only benefit from a mass settlement.
That is one area of potential friction as Mr. Munitz tries to connect the museum with other arts institutions here.
Although Brown and Thomas are willful leaders, Thomas dismissed any notion of potential friction among Knicks leadership.
The Ukraine has been relatively peaceful, but this is not because of a lack of potential ethnic friction.
Japan's Impact But the growing diversity of Japan's investment is bringing new potential frictions.
He'd been patrolling the high desert-which O'Neil had considered a good tactical and political maneu-ver-it kept their contact and potential friction to a minimum.
The coach also recognized the potential friction that Collins's arrival might spawn on several fronts.
As an effort to avoid potential friction with her, therefore, I elected to wait alone.