So we sent out letters to other potential funders saying the New Internationalist would close in two months time.unless.
These ideas and tools are shared with NACCE members, as well as promoted to a wider audience including media, potential funders, and others in the field.
Private money for presenting arts has always been difficult to attract, partly because we're not in Manhattan and many potential funders see us as a park, botanical garden or nature center.
"We hope that this gift will serve as an incentive to other potential funders," Mr. Volpe said.
As a small charity with limited funds, the cost of reproducing articles in order to share them with our supporters and potential funders is simply prohibitive.
This is often used as a teaser to awaken the interest of potential funders, customers, or strategic partners.
The only potential funders are local authorities facing 20% cuts.
But so far, several potential funders have turned him down.
I also told them that record companies and potential funders needed a director to deal with, not a committee of players.
They need to focus on whether a report is addressed to funders, potential funders or someone else.