He would never let them become public knowledge, never allow even the hint of a possible scandal to expose her to potential humiliation.
Few shows could survive the potential humiliation of dismissing a talent like Mr. Sandler, who went on to become the hottest comedy film star in America.
Aside from the potential humiliation for the world's most powerful nation (except on the soccer field), there is room for some positive posturing that could nudge citizens and leaders into a more civil dialogue.
Bottum has said in interviews that he wrote the song largely as a joke at Mike Patton's expense, enjoying the potential humiliation a straight vocalist would subject himself to onstage.
Is it healthier for families to follow the child's lead, or to spare children potential humiliation and isolation by steering them toward accepting their biological gender until they are older?
That was part of the price for the subcommittee's agreement to accept his admission of guilt and spare him the potential humiliation of a full-scale public trial.
The novel's premise sets up a wonderland of potential humiliation for both callers.
In helping people in wheelchairs, the city in effect discriminates against older New Yorkers, reducing them to discomfort and potential humiliation.
Several sportswriters pointed to the comparatively low payout of the bowl and the potential humiliation if Central Michigan (then the likely opponent) defeated the Irish.
Ron Kovic, paralyzed from the waist down, with catheters running out of his crotch, is so lonely that he risks any potential humiliation for a woman's touch.