Shifting to a single-payer system would also eliminate oversight by managed care reviewers, removing a potential impediment to the doctor-patient relationship.
These freebooters have proved to be an annoying embarrassment to my government, and a potential impediment to our continuing good relations with the Federation.
"And there are potential legal impediments to any county takeover."
Meanwhile, the British news media, never particularly friendly to Charles, has seized on each misstep, each gaffe, each potential impediment with undisguised glee.
The council, it would seem, perceives my work here to be a potential impediment to its own peace efforts.
The company asked sellers to attend a meeting late last month to update them on the bill and to brief them on other potential impediments to their businesses.
Despite low tax rates, agricultural assistance is the highest among OECD countries and a potential impediment to structural change.
Being black was a potential impediment he transformed into a stimulus.
Such an argument serves to explain potential impediments to a government intent on acquiring arbitrary powers.
Investors in Diamond Fields Resources do not appear to be concerned by any of those potential impediments.