To gain membership in the hall, potential inductees must receive 60% support on the ballots from their geographic region.
A sub-committee of IHJUK meets each year to decide on a list of potential inductees.
Does it plan on checking the backgrounds of all potential inductees?
Canada's Walk of Fame runs an annual contest in which Canadians can nominate potential inductees.
Therefore the AFSC was careful to present the potential inductee with his choices in neutral and factual terms.
Within the packet are details describing the application process for potential inductees.
The bicker process varies widely by club, ranging from staid interviews conducted by club members to raucous games designed to foster competition among potential inductees.
Before long, the country had gone from peace to war, and there were many more potential inductees into the club no one wanted to join.
A rule added in the mid-2000s by the Panthers organization requires all potential inductees to have been retired for at least five years before being eligible for induction.
He presently is on the Board of Directors and also on the Honors and Selection Committee, whose job is to select potential incoming inductees.