And the publicity about the case may have already scared off potential informants, who risk being dismissed or prosecuted if caught.
Now, when I work in my office and my operating room, I will wonder who's a potential informant.
There he was a "targeting officer", with a mission to identify potential informants.
Tensions mount, particularly between Ibrahim and his three sons, who are simultaneously running into trouble with the law and being targeted as potential informants themselves.
The Government has recently begun offering potential informants limited immunity in a pattern that criminal law experts say is typical for a long-term operation.
Carracappa and Eppolito had also given Casso information which led to many others as well, revealing the names of potential informants.
I'd lost one potential informant to death; I wasn't about to give away another.
They discuss dancers at the club and pick out Shardene as a potential informant.
He stands before potential informants, a balding 49-year-old with a double chin and a bluff manner, and allows people to take the measure of him.
The Government tried offering blood money to potential informants, but this met with little success.