Mr. Lebewohl said last week that he had received offers from potential landlords elsewhere in the city.
Some potential landlords welcome or even require a reply that includes a descriptive profile or a link to a personal Web site proving solid aesthetic credentials.
However student and academic services maintain a small database of potential landlords where accommodation can be sourced either in Paris, or in the suburbs.
"How would you feel about being turned down for an apartment rental because a potential landlord did not like the area from which you called?"
Betty Williams, a board member, said some potential landlords have expressed uneasiness about renting to a youth club.
Being part of a larger system also helps provide leverage with equipment suppliers and credibility with potential landlords, she pointed out.
I don't want potential landlords to know that I read lots of articles about caring for Boa Constrictors.
Andy observed that potential landlords and banks focused on minimizing risk.
She declined to give her husband's name, saying she did not want potential landlords to know they were married.
They are not always checked, but if a potential landlord does some background checks on you, then it will take longer for you to secure the property.