The potential for a more enduring upturn lies in business spending, and that rose after many months in the doldrums.
The greatest potential, however, lies in a cable news station's ability to provide live coverage.
And our greatest potential still lies ahead.
But some say the greatest potential for the region's redevelopment may lie in its very radioactivity.
In this difficult moment in our history lies the potential for our finest achievement: proof that democracy works.
The greatest potential for increasing the flow of capital to Africa lies in debt relief, the report states.
DiJoseph's greatest potential may lie in the mile.
He doesn't mean that he's on the edge of doing what they have done, only that the potential may lie within all of us.
It is estimated that the main potential of achieving this aim lies within the housing sector and the budget organisations.
We will also, finally, have to stand by our small and medium-sized enterprises, with which the greatest potential for innovation and job creation ultimately lies.