People hang on her words, value her opinions on any subject, a situation that can be a potential minefield.
To negotiate this potential minefield, Ms. Oser turned to a babyproofer - someone with a little expertise and a lot of common sense.
But there was still a potential minefield ahead.
But regardless, the case makes it clear that relationships between priests and elderly wealthy parishioners are a potential minefield.
Such debates are potential minefield for biology teachers.
But while Raymond James is not alone in having to navigate through these potential minefields, it does stand out in at least one respect.
There are potential minefields ahead for the authorities, who have already shown some ambivalence about giving up so much control to the markets.
The prospect of digging up a potential minefield held little if any appeal whatsoever.
Many employers feel inequipped to navigate the potential minefield that is the interactive process.
Macedonia remains a potential minefield and has a history to match.