Adding large amounts of the helpful bacteria can crowd out potential pathogens, bad bacteria and viruses that might cause infections.
DQ functions in recognizing and presenting foreign antigens (proteins derived from potential pathogens).
The chimeric virus was first described in 2006 as an apparently novel retrovirus and potential human pathogen.
To reduce the risk of digestive upsets it is critical to keep the concentrations of potential pathogens low.
M. branderi has to be considered a potential human pathogen.
In 90 patients (48%) no potential pathogen was found.
Bacteroides species also benefit their host by excluding potential pathogens from colonizing the gut.
Millions of people mixing antibiotics and potential pathogens in their guts, year in, year out.
The aim of sterilization is the reduction of initially present microorganisms or other potential pathogens.
It has the disadvantage that a potential pathogen is introduced into the body.