This enables the Environment Agency to exercise control over pesticides and other potential pollutants within the zones.
Modern pollution prevention technologies are capable of addressing all of these potential pollutants.
Those steps would have expanded the buffer zones between potential pollutants and streams that feed the reservoirs, essentially putting many acres off limits to development and farming.
Because of the wide variety of potential pollutants and where these materials may be found on an given ship, each vessel-to-reef project is unique.
The cost of removing a ton of potential pollutants from gasoline is $500, he said.
Hydrogen sulfide is a potential pollutant and its removal helps improves efficiency of the reaction.
Other potential pollutants could be deadly.
ALS tested for 90 potential pollutants.
Zoroastrian tradition considers a dead body-in addition to cut hair and nail-parings-to be nasu, unclean, i.e. potential pollutants.
In less intensive conditions, natural processes can break down potential pollutants.