Typically, researchers are concerned with baseline vagal tone, treating it either as a potential predictor of behavior or examining its relationship with mental health (particularly emotion).
But a statistical study of centenarians by researchers at the University of Chicago has found some other potential predictors of extreme longevity.
Furthermore, we explored other potential predictors to examine whether new significant risk factors would emerge.
Preoperative and intraoperative variables were analyzed (Table 4as potential predictors of postoperative mortalityamong patients admitted to the SCU.
Postoperative variables were analyzed as potential predictors ofpostoperative mortality among patients admitted to the SCU (Table 6).
Another approach has been to include gestational age in a multiple regression equation along with other potential predictors of birth weight.
Table 2shows the unadjusted associations for the potential predictors of influenza/ILI-related hospitalizations and complications during the influenza/ILI intervals of care.
Article: Paget's disease: a potential predictor of breast cancer survival?
Curiosity for novel stimuli might also be used as a potential predictor for the disease.
One study conducted in a group of 86 mostly late-stage cancer patients suggested that maladaptive coping styles and higher levels of depressive symptoms are potential predictors of the timing of disease progression.