I don't have one of these radical views that every man is a potential rapist.
Made him feel like they were about to start with that 'all men are potential rapists' stuff.
We did not feel a need to train our children that any adult who smiled at them was a potential rapist.
"If you even imply to a male audience that all men are potential rapists, they go berserk," she said.
The wolf in this story is portrayed as a potential rapist, capable of imitating human speech.
How must it feel when every other customer treats you like a potential rapist or burglar?
Do the rape reports encourage further rapes, by providing information to potential rapists?
His cold, soulless eyes just scream "potential rapist" to me.
I had a deep conviction that any looter was a potential rapist and murderer.
She did not treat me as a potential rapist or as a possible thief.