The process begins in early spring when each member gives a list of potential recipients and recommended donations to the Speaker's office.
The list of potential recipients was then forwarded to municipal, district, or Party and government bodies for final approval.
To allow this, the public key is made broadly available to all potential recipients.
So some doctors say it may be necessary to screen potential recipients before offering them the vaccine.
State officials think many potential recipients simply got the message that times have changed, and found jobs on their own.
But so far, no potential recipients have been identified.
Earlier this month, the two men spent three days screening more than 2,500 potential recipients, finally settling on 400 groups.
Under the Texas plan, potential recipients would go to one center to learn about their eligibility for such assistance as food stamps to job training.
We must, therefore, concentrate on the amendments that, in practice, meet the needs of potential recipients.
But the money did not seem so inviting to all potential recipients.