As I have already indicated, there are broadly speaking two kinds of insight of potential relevance to language teaching which we might expect linguistics to provide.
Dimensions of potential relevance for the outcome of interest are many, and the empirical basis for selecting any one dimension over others few.
Filamin has several additional interactions with potential relevance to aging studies.
This finding may have potential relevance for the control of some cancers.
Further there has been, to date, no detailed critical ethnographic study of its potential relevance to actual field research.
However, Articles 85 and 86 remain of potential relevance in the following situations:
The insertion of isocyanides into metal-carbon bonds is of potential relevance in organic synthesis.
She'd also carefully reviewed all of Roger's suspect lists, ranking them in order of their potential relevance.
Certainly the primary reason why ideas about chaos have been seen as important for fluid dynamics is their potential relevance to turbulence.
The second problem is that this is about political labelling which goes much further than information of potential relevance to public health.