Of late, ArizonaRubber.com has been following the on-going saga that belies the Phoenix Coyotes and their potential relocation to Hamilton, Ontario.
Last year, after Zeile joined the Expos, he almost immediately became the spokesman for Montreal players regarding the team's potential relocation.
The consortium then offered the ground to Wimbledon, saying that the club name, colours and badge would remain after any potential relocation.
The choice of this vast area was made based on the limited number of potential relocations and expropriations and the possibility to further expand the airport in the future.
The third episode of the second series featured relationship difficulties, bad behaviour, and potential relocations to another country.
About the potential relocation of the ramp, Mr. Rampe said, "I think all the parties are in agreement on that."
The acquirers are generally from outside of our region, and I believe that we must be concerned over the potential relocation of these companies off Long Island.
They were using the playoffs as a test of the arena and the city of Flint for potential relocation.
He considers it out of the question for Belgium to ban night flights unilaterally because this could have severe repercussions on employment in Belgium due to potential relocation.
The congressman also asked for information dealing with clubs' territorial rights, including "potential relocations" to the Washington and San Jose, Calif., metropolitan areas and to New Jersey.