The division displays a lack of cohesiveness that separates the effort from being a great album into just a collection of potential singles.
They also made plans to record a few potential singles with Timbaland in October.
When putting together an album, Rabbitt tried to make sure he put in "ten potential fillers, no junk."
The first three discs Chicchos represent a milestone in the Spanish pop-rock: spare not a single song and they are all potential singles.
However, the label told the group that the album was unfit for release and at the very least they should add a few more potential singles.
With potential singles from that are now being leaked as well including but not limited to:
Label representatives were reportedly disappointed with the lack of potential marketable singles, especially the absence of anything resembling their initial hit, "Creep".
'Soul's Core' is a very deep album; there are a lot of potential singles.
Hidalgo was robbed of two potential run-scoring singles.
This ultimately led to the band having far more potential singles than with Not Accepted Anywhere.