Local officials worry not just about spreading drug violence but potential terrorism as well.
All three places, the State Department warned, were sites for potential terrorism against Americans.
They investigate insurance fraud involving arson, and more recently, potential terrorism.
The panel foresaw a need to counter potential terrorism and other "transnational threats to the sovereign territory of the nation."
Angry that the media ignore the effect that this has on education, housing, health care, wages, the environment and potential terrorism.
Major counter-terrorism measures were put in place to detect and prevent potential terrorism acts and to minimize damages should they occur.
As part of the Police Department's new measures to guard against potential terrorism, radiation detectors have been installed outside several city buildings.
"When you have an international act of potential terrorism in New York, it's going to be a magnet for elected officials."
Medical preparedness for emergencies, including potential terrorism.
Discussion of this kind of potential radiological terrorism is colored by passionate disagreements over nuclear power itself.