"The results suggest a potential clinical therapy for tuberculosis."
It is a potential new therapy for leukemia, especially in patients whose cancer no longer responds to chemotherapy and radiation.
Research on idebenone as a potential therapy of Alzheimer's disease have been inconsistent, but there may be a trend for a slight benefit.
This familiarity means that potential therapies for the disease may be much closer at hand than had been expected.
More research is necessary to determine the long-term safety and effectiveness of this potential therapy for infants with Wolman disease.
It is also under investigation as a potential therapy against HIV infection.
This will allow the industry to more rapidly identify potential therapies that prevent the disease or halt its progression.
There were many potential therapies around which might achieve neural rescue, and most of these workers did not immediately move to hypothermia.
The discovery of potential therapies will be made easier using genome targets.
But he said there was no way to put a dollar value on such potential therapy.