Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Most potently, it was something she wanted to hear.
He'd never responded so potently to a specific one; there were just too many to choose from.
You are potently opposed; and with a malice Of as great size.
Yet I was intrigued too, and potently flattered by his suit.
No form of "interactivity" yet devised is more potently democratic.
Rich, blinded by the potently sexual relationship, is in two minds about what to do.
The point is made, though not very potently.
Hitler's holocaust also potently contributed to the creation of Israel.
To this day, that's why Roger responds so potently to a woman using that forbidden word.
I shall go to bed again likewise so soon as this is done, and slumber most potently.
And he knew that this blond one, Marius, had talked with reason more potently than any other.
All the more potently because you won't acknowledge it.
Winston Churchill once noted that nothing recalls the past so potently as a smell.
Your Hourglass focuses magic more potently than does any other instrument.
Sean Street investigates the psychology of fear, so potently sensitive to sound.
He had the smell too, just as potently.
The painful - and very potently sexual - embarrassment was all too plain to his Empathy.
The images come from intense sadness and exquisite passions, all potently mixed together.
"Yes, I feared the stranger, but now the very devil had potently excited me.
Brad presented the kid a powerful, manly kiss, which was returned just as potently.
Men had time to think: to dream of wives, children, farms, and even more potently of a future that might have been.
Sure, it's the obvious solution, but it's so powerfully and potently expressed.
The familiar dread returned, only this time more potently, for they were weakened, exhausted, close to total hysteria.
Slowly but potently she worked her magic as a Duncan mourning her drowned children.