He hardly had time to cover up his secret documents before I was seated by his side giving him a potted version of how indecipherables were broken.
One has a sense of galloping through history, that what we are reading here is the potted version.
D'Arcy gave a potted version, not mentioning that Bliss had instructed him not to warn his client.
At worst, their collections are little more than potted versions of contemporary art, drawn from a slowly evolving Top 40 chart.
The overall impression left by his book is of a pastiche of revisionist history, supplemented with potted versions of other recent work.
A potted version of Beethoven's "Pastoral" Symphony, with all the inevitable gaps and misdirections, becomes pretty much a hash.
Here's a potted version of the story so far.
Then Sutton, in his infinite laziness, reviewed the book from the potted version in the magazine - and slaughtered it.
She had no need of their potted version of the facts.
There was a local doctor involved this time, and for some reason she said something to a tabloid newspaper, who ran a potted version of the story.