Small poultry operations have very thin profit margins that cannot absorb the cost increases from the tagging and record keeping requirements of this rule.
A Mississippi entrepreneur who transformed a feed and seed store into one of the nation's biggest poultry operations, he was 76.
Most of California's commercial poultry operations are in the central part of the state.
They are also more well-suited for outdoor and/or free range conditions in pastured poultry operations.
He learned work ethics as a chicken catcher at a poultry operation, corn-detasseler and clerk in Doc Peck's grocery.
That is the waste runoff from factory farms, particularly the huge poultry operation in the Chesapeake watershed.
Countries like the United Arab Emirates and Jordan, where we have a successful poultry operation.
While some early Jewish settlers ran farms, poultry operations, and sawmills, most tended to work in merchant industries.
Also scheduled for sale is a frozen poultry operation and a salmon processor.
Farms with large livestock and poultry operations, such as factory farms, can be a major source of point source wastewater.