But the religious leaders want the Labor Department to press ahead, saying poultry workers need the government's protection.
The Thailand outbreak of avian flu caused massive economic losses, especially among poultry workers.
In its initial discovery, mortality among affected populations, primarily Chinese poultry workers, was right at 60%.
Which was why at first only poultry workers got it.
The A(H5N1) strain was found to have infected 5 of 29 poultry workers.
Health officials say that identifying and screening poultry workers is vital to preventing and treating human cases.
The 700 poultry workers here, most of them Mexicans, might seem ripe for organizing, but labor's efforts at resurgence face daunting obstacles.
The boy has recovered and was released from a hospital last weekend; the girl and the woman, a poultry worker, died.
Why haven't poultry workers become ill, for one?
But not many of the Greenwood office's clients will go to the poultry workers' lengths to work.