"800 pound gorilla" is an American English expression for a person or organization so powerful that it can act without regard to the rights of others or the law.
At Brookfield Zoo in Chicago, a small toddler fell into a pit with the 500 pound gorillas.
An 800 pound gorilla escapes from the zoo one day.
"That'll just make him mad and then we'll have an angry 800 pound gorilla down on the ground with us."
Bankruptcy," Miller said in a recent speech in Houston, "is like dancing with an 800 pound gorilla.
It's easy to get skittish when the 800 pound gorilla arrives.
They soon come across Joe Young, a 12-foot tall, 2,200 pound gorilla.
"I'm going to treat it like the proverbial eight hundred pound gorilla, sir," the captain said.
RTD was essentially the "800 pound gorilla" as far as public transportation in Southern California was concerned.
It is the 800 pound gorilla in the room that no one can, or wants, to ignore.